Alcoholic Beverage Consumption Statistics and Trends 2022

Alcoholic Beverage Consumption Statistics and Trends 2022

how much does the average american spend on alcohol

By default, the data for France is shown – in recent decades, here, the share of beer consumption increased to make up around a fifth of alcohol consumption in France. Alcohol has historically, and continues to, hold an important role in social engagement and bonding for many. Find up-to-date statistics on lifetime drinking, past-year drinking, past-month drinking, binge drinking, heavy alcohol use, and high-intensity drinking. Pew Research Center conducted this analysis to understand Americans’ experiences with alcohol and how they have changed over time. Survey data comes from Gallup and the University of Michigan’s Monitoring the Future Survey.

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Conversely, those younger than 25 spent less in 2016 than in 1996, attesting to a trend in millennials choosing to live sober. At $484, the average annual alcohol expenditure, a person could buy about three bottles of wine each month. Additionally, it’s worth noting that more than a quarter of Americans consume no alcohol at all. Assuming that this sober cohort spends no money on alcohol, those who do drink likely spend considerably more than $484 annually on average. The No and low-alcoholic beverage categories continue to grow in terms of sales and consumer interest. Though growth has slowed “after a peak in 2020 to 2021…the category is poised for robust gains in the coming years, spearheaded by no-alcohol and persistently strong recruitment levels.” The CAGR for no and low-alcoholic beverages from 2019 to 2023 was 25%.

U.S. consumer expenditure on alcoholic beverages 2022, by category

  1. We estimate that less than 10% of people who need treatment for AUD actually get it, and that only 2% access these FDA-approved medications.
  2. A closer look at the “most popular” white varietal, Chardonnay (nearly 16% of the market share for those reported), and the “most popular” red varietal, Cabernet sauvignon (nearly 14%), revealed that the growth rate for these two decreased by 6.9 and 7.0%, respectively.
  3. N.C. Solutions reported in January 2024 that, on average, consumers were “having three drinks per week, down from four per week in 2023.”  Gallup also reported that alcoholic beverage drinkers consumed “on average…four drinks in the past week,” in July 2023.
  4. With the NIAAA treatment navigator, anyone can put their ZIP code in and find programs, doctors, and therapists in their area.
  5. However, state-level consumption estimates can be affected by such factors as sales to people from neighboring states (especially when there are significant differences in alcohol tax rates) and alcohol consumption by tourists (think Nevada, Florida, and Washington, D.C.).

As you can see, for men, the drinking norms or the typical number of drinks per week, overall, were higher than for women. Twenty-eight percent of men reported that they abstained from drinking completely (38% of women) during the last 12 months. As another example, about three-quarters (78)% of men reported drinking 7 or fewer drinks in a typical week (or one drink a day or less on average) while for women about 90% consumed 7 or less drinks/week. For many years, beer was the strong favorite marijuana withdrawal: symptoms timeline and tips for coping of U.S. drinkers, mentioned by close to half as the alcoholic beverage they most often drink. It still leads, but by a thinner, four-percentage-point margin over wine, 35% to 31%, according to the 2022 survey. — The percentage of U.S. adults aged 18 and older who say they drink alcohol averaged 63% over the past two years, whereas 36% described themselves as “total abstainers.” The drinking rate ticks up to 65% when narrowed to adults of legal drinking age, which is 21 and older nationwide.

how much does the average american spend on alcohol

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Rises in alcohol deaths may be attributed to a variety of factors including, in part, increases in drinking and low treatment rates. Alcohol consumption and some indicators of binge drinking have been on the rise in recent years, particularly among some demographic groups. Excessive alcohol consumption is tied to the development of alcohol-related alcohol and seizures can alcohol or withdrawal trigger a seizure diseases, which can be fatal. A variety of factors may have contributed to increases in drinking including a growing social acceptability of alcohol and loosening of alcohol policies at a state level. Other factors, such as increased stressors due to the pandemic and other issues may have increased drinking behaviors.

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Many providers use the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test C (or the AUDIT-C), which is three questions and highly predictive of AUD. And if screening indicates that a patient may have AUD, providers must take the next steps to perform intervention and referral to treatment. We estimate that less than 10% of people who need treatment for AUD actually get it, and that only 2% access these FDA-approved medications.

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Alcohol consumption is a known risk factor for a number of health conditions, and potential mortality cases. Alcohol consumption has a causal impact on more than 200 health conditions (diseases and injuries). As we see, following prohibition, levels of alcohol consumption returned to similar levels as in the pre-prohibition period. Explore statistics on alcohol-related deaths and emergency visits in the United States.

Drink Aware

The first map shows this in terms of spirits as a share of total alcohol consumption. In many Asian countries, spirits account for most of total alcohol consumption. Global trends on alcohol abstinence show a mirror image of drinking prevalence data.

how much does the average american spend on alcohol

Young adults are now more likely to smoke marijuana or electronic cigarettes than tobacco cigarettes. In addition to sampling error, question wording and practical difficulties in conducting surveys can introduce error or bias into the findings of public opinion polls. Relatedly, drinking also differs by education, with college graduates (76%) and postgraduates (75%) the most likely to report they drink.

The average daily expenditures for health insurance and cash contributions are higher for older baby boomers — or those age 65 or older — than any other age group. However, gas, education, clothing and cellphone service spending for older baby boomers are the lowest among all age groups. A separate GOBankingRates study found that a big spending category for this age group is rides hares, which could explain the lower gas costs. The study also found that older baby boomers could save over $3,000 per year by eliminating unnecessary expenses, such as rides hares and eating out, which they should consider using to pay off any existing debts. In the chart, we see the prevalence of alcohol dependence versus the average per capita alcohol consumption. There is no clear evidence that high overall consumption (particularly in moderate quantities) is connected to the onset of alcohol dependency.

The prevalence of alcohol dependence in men is typically higher than in women across all countries. With the change country feature, it is possible to clinical experience of baclofen in alcohol dependence view the same data for other countries. Sweden, for example, increased the share of wine consumption and, therefore, reduced the share of spirits.